Can I build my wall on my property boundary?
Yes, you can. But check the Development Act of 1993. Here are some things to think about. There it states that included in the design is the allowance for future work below the wall to a maximum depth of 600m.
So check your local requirements before you start to build anything. A few things to keep in mind. Building retaining walls near common boundaries. So where exactly are your boundaries? Check first where your property lines lay. Sometimes the best way is to check the house plans. Unless a survey has been taken or a fence put up recently with the boundary markings in place you won't know exactly where these are. You need to make sure their exact position before any construction begins. On the other hand building, for example, a sandstone retaining wall away from the common boundaries by several metres may not need the exact location of these markings. Keep in mind if it’s in the vicinity of the property lines that your local councils or regulations may need you to get a building permit.
This is where we can help in getting the permit and assisting you with the finer details of the construction of the wall. For example, in some places in Australia, a retaining wall cannot be closer than 600mm to the boundary. In other states retaining walls should be no closer than 900mm to the boundary.
There are differing regulations so make sure you check with an expert wall builder like us and we can organise a surveyor to ensure exactly where your property lines are.
check with an expert wall builder like us and we can organise a surveyor to ensure exactly where your property lines are.
Also, if you’re planning to build a sleeper retaining wall near your front road boundary there are more things to consider and applications to think about. For instance, if your property is larger than 450 square metres your wall should not be higher than a metre within 6 metres from the road.
If you definitely want to build a retaining wall on an existing boundary line then you need to be working together with your adjoining neighbour or owner of the property to obtain the correct approvals and relevant permits before you start any work.
These regulations and approvals are there to protect both interested parties from damage.
If you’re the sole party that will gain benefits from building retaining walls on your boundary, then council will need to be convinced:
• that your retaining wall will not impact the stability of the soil on the adjoining property;
• Sufficient retaining wall drainage. No water running off the wall will damage other property; or
• The retaining wall you construct will support the natural lay of your land.
If you and your neighbour agree to build a sleeper retaining wall on your common boundary then building approval and permits will be needed. Payment of the wall may be shared by both parties. Depending on the various cases council may require one party to pay more for the concrete sleepers price if they benefit more from the wall.
Retaining wall regulations may vary and get complicated for lots of reasons. Local council can help you navigate through various approvals, permits.
For quotes on a concrete sleeper retaining, sleeper retaining wall or gabion retaining walls check with us a professional wall builder we have the expertise and knowledge make sure things go smoothly and complies with all the requirements for you to enjoy your retaining wall.